A strong theme for the previous organizations (GayIniciativa or GL-Liga) was the recognition of same sex relationships. This was achieved in 2006 with the adoption of the Act on Registered Partnership. The demise of LGBT+ political and law-oriented organizations to achieve this goal was also one of the reasons why PROUD began to shape in 2010. The aim of our organization is, however, full emancipation of non-heterosexual people, including their partnerships. Therefore, we consider the registered partnership, which is not classified as a marital status, but as an “other” status according to the Czech law, just a gradual step towards full recognition. In the long term, PROUD will initiate an open, public and political debate on opening the marriage to same sex relationships.
- Platforma pro rovnoprávnost, uznání a diverzitu z.s. vydává první českou studii o LGBT seniorech/kách
- Manželství pro všechny bez rozdílu – je to fér? Ptá se nová kampaň, která vybízí k diskuzi.
- Přiosvojení neprošlo, co bude dál?
- LGBT+ ples? Ano, letos v Praze i Brně.
- Brněnská Mezipatra podporují duhové rodiny